Chine – Amérique du Sud – Monde : Plus qu’un port

L’Amérique du Sud est devenue un enjeu géopolitique d’importance. Longtemps chasse gardée des États-Unis, elle est désormais un continent d’expansion pour la puissance chinoise comme le démontre la création d’un terminal océanique majeur.

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Grappillages Asie21 n° 156/2021-12

En 2022, suivez l’évolution de l’Asie avec un abonnement à Asie21 🎄🎁


Chine – Afrique  Du FOCAC

Chine – Amérique centrale – Taïwan – Nicaragua  Nouvelle défection

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TO BLIND THE TIGERS China’s nuclear strategy: weapons and doctrine


On the 6th august 2020, the Chinese nuclear missile DF-26 “aircraft carrier killer” is starring

Responding to what is considered a provocation: an exercise implying two American aircraft carriers in South China Sea, the Rocket Force of the People’s Army launched in their direction this anti ship missile. China is letting the US know that it can’t use the 7th fleet in order to intervene in China’s internal affairs and threaten its national security any more. Washington had to recognize that, replying to their exercise, the Chinese nuclear forces had been able to react instantly. The People’s Army of Liberation must be taken seriously, for the formidable army it has grown into.

The world is still definitely torn by armed conflicts on many deadly theaters of operations, where millions of men, women and children are suffering, but there is only one zone left where two nuclear powers are daily threatening each other with missiles:  South China Sea. What could be the issue of a clash? Henceforward, one can perceive which way a duel will end.

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